
Helio Branco

Paintings after the 20th Century

Untitled, 1996. Acrylic on canvas. 150cm x 200cm.

Untitled, 1997. Acrylic on canvas. 200cm x 180cm. Collection of the Fluminense Federal University.

Contemporary Collection. View of exhibition at UFF - Universidade Federal Fluminense

Stripped roses, 1997. Acrylic on canvas. 180cm x 200cm.

All of them, 1997. Acrylic on canvas. 180cm x 200cm. Private Collection.

Blank generation, 1987. Oil, acrylic, sprayjet on wood. 180cm x 200cm.

About nothing, 1987. Oil, acrylic, pencil on wood. 180cm x 200cm.

Untitled, 1987. Oil and acrylic on wood. 180cm x 160cm.

Flag, 1987. Oil and acrylic on wood. 180cm x 160cm.

Direct painting objects

Tireless, 1998. Acrylic on canvas. Cut wood, upholstered with foam. 30cm x 50cm x 10cm.

Untitled, 1998. Acrylic on canvas. Cut wood, upholstered with foam. 30cm x 50cm x 10cm.

Untitled, 1998. Acrylic on canvas. Cut wood, upholstered with foam. 30cm x 50cm x 10cm.

Untitled, 1998. Acrylic on canvas. Cut wood, upholstered with foam. 30cm x 50cm x 10cm

Untitled, 1997. Acrylic on canvas. 150cm x 200cm. Private Collection.

Three-quarter self-portrait with two holes for eyes, 2001. Acrylic on wood. 70cm x 50cm. Private Collection.

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